Your body’s most vital functions are determined by the framework and pathways of your brain, spine and nervous system. The spine, specifically, is a vital component of that framework. It holds bundles of thousands of nerves that connect our brain to the rest of our body. This is where chiropractic comes into play as it focuses on the connection between our nerves and our musculoskeletal system.
When bones in the spine are improperly aligned, it can lead to a myriad of different health issues. Problems such as headaches, poor mobility and nerve pain can often be alleviated by a visit to the chiropractor. Using a natural, hands-on approach, we will adjust your spine to return your body to its natural, functioning condition.
While chiropractic can effectively provide temporary pain relief, true correction provides long-term benefits. As you can imagine, lasting relief is ideal for anyone with pain or health issues, but let’s go over the difference between true correction and temporary relief a little further.

The model of “sick care” is still a common practice in America’s medical system. The term is used to describe the phenomenon of only going to receive medical attention after you’re already sick. The alternative would be a healthcare system that focuses on preventative care so you can avoid illness more often.
Chiropractic works to go against this “sick care” model. Instead of waiting until pain has begun, chiropractors recommend regular visits to ensure that your spinal health is maintained for years to come. After all, you wouldn’t wait to brush your teeth until you already have a cavity. The same applies for your spinal health. It’s important not to wait for injury or pain before making your first visit to see us.

Chiropractic is a principled form of healthcare, meaning that it’s meant to maintain your body and health over time rather than just providing a quick fix. Clearly, the “sick care” model wouldn’t allow this goal of long-term, preventative care to work.
Although many chiropractors specialize in providing temporary relief, the practice was never intended to work that way. Instead, the goal is to pinpoint and identify the causes of a patient’s health problems and correct them directly at the source, resulting in true correction.
For example, vertebral subluxation complex, a serious condition of the spine which inhibits the body’s ability to heal itself, is corrected through this practice of principled chiropractic. At New Life Chiropractic , we will thoroughly examine and analyze the spine, allowing us to create a specific protocol to correct the problem. Drs. Jacob and Laura Sims will also educate you on how to maintain optimal spine and nervous system health throughout the years. We believe in educating you about your health.
If vertebral subluxation was approached in a way that emphasizes temporary relief, the exact problem would likely not be addressed. Instead, the focus would be placed on the specific area that’s in pain and the deeper underlying issues that are causing that pain would be overlooked. We might be able to relieve the targeted pain, but only temporarily.
Ultimately, when it comes to true correction and principled chiropractic versus temporary relief, the best choice is clear. Avoid the recurrence of pain and injury. Schedule an appointment within the Montrose, community at New Life Chiropractic to ensure optimal health and relief for years to come.