Depending on the procedure, recovering from surgery can be a challenging process. You might need to limit your regular activities, and, of course, lots of rest is typically required. However, chiropractic care can offer a holistic and non-invasive option to help ease your post-surgery recovery. 

Whether you’re recovering from orthopedic surgeries like knee or hip replacements, spinal surgeries, or even a C-section, chiropractic care can play a vital role in enhancing recovery and improving overall well-being. So, let’s take a closer look! How can chiropractic care help post-surgery? What should you know?

How Does Chiropractic Care Help You Recovery Post-Surgery?

Post-surgery, chiropractic care helps foster healing and recovery in multiple ways. So, let’s break this down further. How can a chiropractor help?

1. Enhances Mobility and Flexibility

Post-surgery, patients often experience stiffness and reduced mobility in the affected areas. Yet, chiropractic adjustments and manipulations can help restore joint mobility, improve flexibility, and reduce scar tissue formation, which is crucial for regaining a full range of motion.

2. Reduces Pain and Discomfort

Chiropractic care can be highly effective in managing post-surgical pain. Chiropractic techniques, such as spinal adjustments and soft tissue therapies, can alleviate discomfort without the need for additional medications. In turn, chiropractic care can offer a natural pain management solution.

In fact, research indicates chiropractic care can be particularly effective in addressing pain post spinal surgery, with positive results and without adverse effects.

3. Improves Circulation and Healing

Massage and mobilization techniques used by your chiropractor can enhance blood flow to the affected areas; improved circulation accelerates the healing process by delivering necessary nutrients and oxygen to the surgical site.

4. Reduces Inflammation

Post-surgical inflammation is a common concern, and chiropractic care can help reduce it. Techniques that promote lymphatic drainage and improve joint function can alleviate inflammation, aiding in quicker recovery.

5. Corrects Postural Imbalances

Surgeries can sometimes lead to changes in posture due to compensatory mechanisms or prolonged bed rest. However, your Montrose chiropractor can assess and correct these imbalances, ensuring a healthier posture and reducing the risk of pain later on.

How Long After Surgery Can You Go To a Chiropractor?

The timing for starting chiropractic care after surgery varies depending on the type of surgery and the individual’s overall health. It’s crucial to consult with the surgeon and the chiropractor to determine the best time to begin treatment. 

Typically, chiropractic care can be initiated:

  • After clearance from the surgeon: The surgeon will advise when it’s safe to begin chiropractic treatments based on the healing progress and type of surgery.
  • Once acute post-operative healing has occurred: Usually, it’s advisable to wait until the initial healing phase is complete, which could range from a few weeks to a couple of months, depending on the surgery.
  • When pain and inflammation have reduced to manageable levels: Starting chiropractic care should be considered when the post-surgical pain and inflammation are not in an acute stage.

By enhancing mobility, alleviating pain, and supporting overall body wellness, chiropractic treatments can be a valuable part of post-surgical recovery plans. If you’re considering chiropractic care after surgery, consult with your healthcare team to determine the right timing and approach tailored to your specific needs.

And if you’re looking for the right chiropractic team, New Life Chiropractic is ready to help. With your local Montrose Chiropractor, you can pave your way toward a full recovery. Book your appointment today!